Here are some pictures you might recognize.
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and places for this Gallery.
Kingsclear 1887 above Fredericton.

Mrs. J.F. Grant (Ada Glasier Brown 1867 - 1942), Middle Southampton

John Franklin Grant ("J.F.")1867 - 1959 (Ada's husband) at The Store,
est. 1898 as "H.C. Grant and Son". His bedroom window at his and Ada's home, right, may be seen beside the cranberry bush.

At the right (back row) is thought to be J.F. Grant. In the middle row center is Ada Brown (Mrs. J.F. Grant).

Home of Ernest and Ruth Grant, Chipman Grant and Mary Ingraham,
Neil, Nelson and Annette Grant. Built by Henry Colwell Grant, ("H.C."), Middle Southampton.
Grant Gathering 2012, Southampton, New Brunswick, Canada