The Grants of Southampton N.B.

Travel to New Brunswick

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Here is some information for those who may be traveling to the Southampton area. 
Fredericton, the Capital of "the Picture Province" is located approximately:
400 mi. from Boston,Ma.
270 mi. (430 km) from Halifax, N.S.
110 mi. (175 km) from Moncton, N.B.
510 mi. (800 km) from Montreal.Qc.
360 mi. (570 km) from Quebec City,Qc.
850 mi. (1360 km) from Toronto.On.

Underlined words are links - just click.
New Bruswick Tourist Information will answer questions and can send the Summer Travel Planning book, "experience New Brunswick" at no charge by mail. Click the link or call 1-800-561-0123.
Scenic Drive along the Saint John River (requires Acrobat on your computer)
Nearest Airport: Fredericton (daily p.m. bus service from airport stops at Meductic. Reservations required. Check with bus company below.) 
Nearest Train: Moncton (then take bus to Fredericton).
Bus from U.S.A.: A Fri-Sat-Sun bus from N.Y., Boston and Bangor connects to Fredericton.
Nearest Bus: Acadian Lines (1-800-567-5151) operates the buses mentioned above and all NB and interprovincial routes.
Nearest Bus Stop: Meductic (Cumming gas station) across the river from Southampton. Two buses pass daily from Fredericton and one daily from Woodstock. See schedule or call 1-800-567-5151. 

Grant Gathering 2012, Southampton, New Brunswick, Canada